In the current economy, we’re all looking to save some money! Is your home too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter? Luxury Window Tinting has the energy-saving solutions! While heat pumps and shades are great options, window film has some unique benefits and advantages that simply cannot be replaced! Consider some imaginative and practical ways you can conserve energy – helping save both the earth and your wallet!
Central heating and electric heating can quickly take a toll on your heating bill. Switching to a single heat pump can make a drastic difference in the thermal comfort of your home. Heat pumps are also wall-mounted and have a small profile, ensuring your living space isn’t cluttered with an additional bulky item. We personally recommend the professionals at Service Excel for all of your heat pump needs (and they can help you with your rebate, too!).
Modern technology can assist us with modern problems. Placing a thermostat near a window has made many homeowners quickly realize where the true energy inefficiencies in their home are!
Digital energy monitors that track the energy usage of your appliances and individual thermostats that track the temperature in specific locations, can both help you determine your true energy usage, giving you the knowledge to make wise, energy-saving decisions for your family – and saving you money in the long run.
Rebates. Did you know that many smart thermostats are eligible for rebates from many utility and insurance providers? Smart thermostats can help you become more aware of your energy habits and make minor changes that save you money while keeping you warm.
Lighting. Don’t be afraid to invest in energy-efficient light bulbs.
When in doubt, lowering your general energy consumption will help you save more money and perhaps save the world along with it!
Stop the heat from exiting your home in the first place with solar window film!
Reflective window film is like a therapeutic treatment for your window, which increases your windows insulation (known as r-factor) and can help to keep the heat inside your home during the winter. The energy-saving benefits of solar window film are even greater in the summer. Why? Solar window film rejects the exterior solar heat that is trying to penetrate your windows in the summer!
Many of our happy clients have told us that their window film investment paid for itself in only a few years! Reflective window film is truly the eco-friendly option, both reducing your energy consumption and your carbon footprint.
As an additional bonus, our energy-saving window films come in various degrees of reflectivity and colors (silver, bronze, etc.) as well as options for privacy! Many Langford homeowners have appreciated the one-way privacy that their window film has given them, especially when having large windows at eyeshot level from the sidewalk.
Do you live in a strata or for other reason need the window film to be imperceptible to the naked eye? Have no fear! We offer a wide range of clear window film products as well!
While practically invisible to the naked eye, there are still many benefits to our clear UV window films. While the clear window films won’t give as great of heat-rejecting benefits that some of its reflective counter products offer, harmful UV rays from large windows are not to be taken lightly. Clear UV window film blocks 99% of harmful UV rays, and still offer a modest amount of heat and glare reduction, providing energy-saving benefits all around. Please contact Luxury Window Tinting to discuss our window film options and various benefits.
Don’t let your beautiful windows steal all your heat in the winter and your AC in the summer! Contact Luxury Window Tinting for a free estimate and consultation. We strive to have the happiest clients, and are happy to discuss our plethora of products that can suit your individual needs.
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778-922-TINT (8468)