
Will window film affect my indoor plants?

Best UV window film in langford, bc and greater victoria

It’s natural to worry about a change in the environment that we provide to our plant babies.

Especially during these long, pandemic times, many of have chosen to fill our homes with greenery and tropical vibes. While not as time-consuming as caring for other living creatures, many of us have spent a considerable amount of time each day ensuring our plants have the adequate humidity levels, and appropriate soil for our plants to thrive.

At Luxury Window Tinting, we are plant lovers as well! While we offer many different types of window film, all of them reject harmful UV rays that damage our skin, discolor our furniture, and fade our floors and art. What about indoor house plants? Do they benefit from these damaging UV rays? Keep reading to learn more!

Does Window Film Harm or Damage Plants? The short answer is: absolutely not! Window film can help your plant thrive - without any extra effort on our part.

Our high quality window films (also common referred to as window tint) ONLY block the harmful UV rays.

Our window films do NOT block the red and blue rays that plants need to grow and flower.

What does this mean for your plants? Most, if not all, plants will do much better with window film! Especially if you have modern, floor to ceiling windows that are so popular today. 

While our large, sunny windows let in much direct light, you may have noticed that direct sunlight can cause some of your beloved plant friends to have brown, singed tips and yellow, faded leaves. 

The solution? We want our green, lush friends to KEEP their beautiful, rich green colors, which requires we keep them receiving indirect sunlight (to keep their dark green color).

Window film ensures your plant continues to receive this coveted “bright indirect sunlight” without the damaging “direct sunlight.”

Many plants, such as the majesty palm, for example, do not appreciate large contrasts in temperature. Plants are often placed close to our beautiful windows. Unfortunately, if we touch the windows throughout the day we will realize that the windows can feel ice cold at times and scorching hot at other times! The heat disparity of the windows of course affects the surrounding air, which can be too large of a climate difference for some of our more delicate and even tropical plants.

Delicate plants such as these will do much better with professional window film installation because it provides a much more stable and comfortable  temperature for both you and your plants!

Don’t let your plants dry out or wilt on sunny days here in Langford and Victoria; window film will help your plants retain the moisture they need, while still allowing them to get all the sun that helps them grow and flower.

Every plant is different!

From light requirements to watering frequency and the size and type of pot, plants are unique and living things that have specific requirements to thrive!

Learn about the light, humidity and temperature requirements of some common houseplants below:


Monstera Deliciosa

Prefer 6-8 hours of bright, indirect sunlight.

Enjoys humidity, misting weekly will help it flourish.

Enjoys room temperature rooms (15C-26C)

Will NOT tolerate temperatures below 55F! Must avoid BOTH cold drafts and direct airflow from heaters.

spider plant

Prefers bright, indirect sunlight.

Enjoys cooler temperatures (13-18C)

Prefers to be slightly pot-bound.

fiddle leaf fig

Grows best with consistent, indirect bright light.

Enjoys humidity, mist often.

Does NOT like change in both temperature or placement.

Must be kept between 15C-80C.

The numerous health benefits of owning indoor plants should not be underestimated. 

  • Plants reduce stress, including heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Caring for plants can be therapeutic, lessening the symptoms of depression, anxiety and even dementia. 
  •  Plants promote recovery. Looking at plants and flowers speeds up your recovery from illness, injury or surgery.
  • Plants improve creativity and productivity.
  • Plants improve air quality by scrubbing contaminants from the air. 

Online plant articles and communities can be a great resource for knowing what environment will help your plant babies thrive! Choose well-researched, informative and scientific resources.

Aren’t a fan of reading? YouTube has many experienced plant mamas and papas that can get you started on your way! Some free resources are linked below:


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    Victoria, B.C. V8R 0A4, Canada

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