Monique West

Specialty Window Films: 4 Benefits of Architectural Window Films

Specialty Window FIlms:4 Benefits of architectural window films Designed to meet the unique needs of your home or office Langford, BC is one of the premier choices for new homeowners and young families alike! Does your home have energy inefficiencies? Is one side of your home much hotter or colder than the rest of your […]

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professional window film Langford window tint, best window film in Victoria bc

Professional Window Film: The #1 Solution For Homeowners and Landlords

Unlike curtains or blinds, which must be drawn to be effective, professional window films are engineered to let light in while also lowering heat and glare and preserving your view. Window Films can help you save money by reducing the amount of heat that enters your home through your windows.

Professional Window Film: The #1 Solution For Homeowners and Landlords Read More »

Privacy, one-way, solar-rejecting window film cuts down on your energy consumption and on your cooling costs! Luxury Window Tinting has the energy-saving solutions for your Langford home!


In the current economy, we’re all looking to save some money! Is your home too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter? Luxury Window Tinting has the energy-saving solutions! While heat pumps and shades are great options, window film has some unique benefits and advantages that simply cannot be replaced! Consider some imaginative and practical ways you can conserve energy – helping save both the earth and your wallet!


Specialty window films can provide one-way privacy. Choose Luxury Window Tinting as your best choice for one-way privacy window film. We are proud to provide the best window film in Colwood, Victoria, Langford, Esquimalt, Saanich, Langford, Sooke, Oak Bay, Westshore and all of southern Vancouver Island. Curious about how one way window film works at night? One way window film can give your home or business the window privacy you need.

2 Things You Need To Know About One-Way Privacy Window Film

Answer 1: All one-way privacy films are designed for daytime privacy. Therefore, at dusk when the interior lights are on, window treatments/coverings (blinds, shades, etc.) are required to be drawn (just as with regular glass) to maintain nighttime privacy.

We mention this due to most door/entry glazings not having blinds that are able to be drawn closed at night.

Answer #2: Optimal one-way privacy is achieved when a room with windows only on one side (and a blank wall on the other) is tinted.

If there are other windows directly opposite the room to which the windows are being tinted, it can create a “light tunnel” through the room in which people from the exterior side of the building may be able see a shadowy silhouette of a person on the inside of the “light tunnel” between the two opposite windows/walls.

In situations where someone wants 24 hour privacy and has no window coverings, we also offer an opaque frost film product which enables light to transfer, but maintains privacy at all hours (including night time / after dark).

2 Things You Need To Know About One-Way Privacy Window Film Read More »

Specialty window films can provide one-way privacy. Choose Luxury Window Tinting as your best choice for privacy window film in Colwood, Victoria, Langford and southern Vancouver Island. Curious about how one way window film works at night? One way window film can give your home or business the window privacy you need.

One Way Window Film At Night: How does it work?

Nighttime Reverse Effect. We do NOT claim that one way window film at night provides privacy. One way window film’s primary purposes are still to provide daytime privacy only, as well as to reject solar window heat and protect from 99% of damaging UV rays. At night, the one-way window film has a reverse mirroring effect. The brighter indoor lighting turns your windows into mirrors that don’t allow you to look out, but anyone outside in the darkness can easily see into your well-lit home. This is because at night there is typically less light outside (exterior) and people tend to brightly illuminate their homes in the dark evenings, making the interior of their homes brighter than the exterior. However, with correct floodlight placement, the nighttime reverse effect can be mitigated. Keep reading below to learn more. 

One Way Window Film At Night: How does it work? Read More »

Our clear UV window film comes in options that also reject some of your window heat! UV window films primary purpose is to reject 99% of harmful UV radiation that damages your hardwood floors, fades your art and damages your skin. Naturally, glare is also reduced, give your eyes a much needed break!

Heat Reduction Window Film in Victoria, BC: Stay Cool and Save Energy

Heat Reduction Window Film in Victoria, BC:stay cool and save energy Stay cool and Save Energy When the summer sun bears down on Victoria, BC, staying cool becomes a top priority. High temperatures can not only make indoor spaces uncomfortable but also drive up energy costs as air conditioning works overtime. Fortunately, there’s a solution

Heat Reduction Window Film in Victoria, BC: Stay Cool and Save Energy Read More »